Tullynewbank Stables
14 miles from Belfast & Lisburn
Experiential learning is at the heart of our programmes
Find out what we have to offer
We incorporate the Health and Care “Take 5 Steps to Well-being” from the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland into our programmes to support our clients, maintain and improve their mental health and well-being.

Equine Facilitated Learning Programme (EFL)
Working with an experienced and fully qualified EFL practitioner, individuals and groups learn about themselves and each other by interacting with the horses and receiving non-judgmental feedback in the moment.
Sessions are facilitated on the following basis:
one to one
corporate learning & development
Improved self-awareness helps people to understand & regulate their thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
The World Health Organisation Department of Mental Health sets out five basic areas of life skills that are shared across cultures.
Decision-making and problem-solving
Creative thinking and critical thinking
Communication and interpersonal skills
Self-awareness and empathy
Coping with emotions and coping with stress
Want to find out more?
Tel: 028 9445 4657
Email: info@tullynewbank-stables.com
BHS Changing Lives Through Horses Programme
Horses are a powerful way of inspiring young people to reconnect with society and improve their wellbeing.
One in four young people struggles with low self-esteem, wellbeing and mental health problems.
The BHS Changing Lives Through Horses Programme aims to improve the lives of disengaged young people, regardless of their background, and gives them the opportunity to develop skills and confidence to return to education and/or employment.
We aim to celebrate the powerful impact that horses can have on our society and the unique development of life skills which can help young people for the rest of their lives.
The equestrian environment provides young people with structure and a sense of responsibility.
With the horse at the core of the learning environment, pupils develop a variety of life skills ranging from everyday communication through to teamwork and understanding responsibility.
Here’s what one of our client's had to say:
“Since getting bullied at school and dealing with other health issues I was at the lowest point in my life, I couldn’t see a future or light at the end of the tunnel, however one day in September 2019 I was introduced to Simone at Tullynewbank Stables , she embraced me and offered me to go and see the horses, I instantly fell in love with them, they made me feel calm and I couldn’t believe how intelligent they were, over the weeks I learnt how to groom, look after muck out and ride , it was the most amazing experience I have ever had, Simone took me under her wing and taught me how to deal with my anxiety and emotions through the horses, I feel such calmness and emotional strength whilst I am with them, I have learnt how to become more independent and assertive within myself and feel my mood has improved and I feel the horses have been a true blessing to my life and has made my life complete”
Want to find out more?
Tel: 028 9445 4657
Email: info@tullynewbank-stables.com
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping Sessions
Emotional Freedom Technique is a relatively new discovery and a fast-evolving treatment within the field of Energy Psychology.
Often referred to as "Psychological acupressure", the technique works by releasing blockages within the energy system which are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort. These blockages in our energy system, in addition to challenging us emotionally, often lead to limiting beliefs and behaviours and an inability to live life harmoniously. Resulting symptoms are either emotional and/ or physical and include lack of confidence and self esteem, feeling stuck anxious or depressed, or the emergence of compulsive and addictive behaviours. It is also now finally widely accepted that emotional disharmony is a key factor in physical symptoms and dis-ease and for this reason these techniques are being extensively used on physical issues, including chronic illness with often astounding results. As such these techniques are being accepted more and more in medical and psychiatric circles as well as in the range of psychotherapies and healing disciplines.
Want to find out more?
Tel: 028 9445 4657
Email: info@tullynewbank-stables.com
Transformational Leadership
Equine Facilitated Leadership Development
Transformational Leadership is at the heart of great companies – it the means by which we maximise the potential within ourselves, our teams and our organisations. Transformational Leaders have their heads up, they are attuned to the external environment. They see things that others don’t yet notice, they see connections between things that others don’t yet get, and this entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour drives innovative and sustainable business.
Transformational Leaders see a future that is different and better than what currently exists. They are global in outlook and use their horizon scanning abilities to anticipate new trends for local and international competitive advantage. Their self-confidence, judgement and acute business acumen allows them to thrive in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations by “thin slicing” through wades of data, from multiple and competing sources, to come up with sticky solutions to complex business challenges.
Another characteristic of Transformational Leaders is their higher levels of Emotional Intelligence. This means that they easily build and sustain trusted relationships with their teams as well as with people up and down the supply chain - a critical factor of business success.
So, how do we develop Transformational Leaders? For over the past 20 years, Jackie McCoy, Professor of Management Development, has been using horses as part of an experiential leadership development programme that according to one participant “…has not only changed the way I do my business, but also the way I prioritise things in my personal life”.
Operating from the principle that “It Starts with Me”, Jackie draws upon the great teaching skills of horses to allow business leaders to discover what is truly important to them, what they value most in life and whether or not their current patterns of thinking and behaviour are supporting their life’s ambitions.
The Tullynewbank Stables Haven for Well-being provides the perfect setting to begin the journey to Transformational Leadership.
Transformational Leadership is relevant to anyone wishing to make their mark in public, private or third sector organisations.
As each leadership journey is different, clients are invited to engage in a confidential discussion of their individual and/or team needs without obligation. To take the first step on your Transformational Leadership Journey.
Want to find out more?
Tel: 028 9445 4657
Email: info@tullynewbank-stables.com
Life has a way of catching us by surprise and throwing up events that challenge us to the very core. No matter who we are or how high we have gone up the career ladder, it is part of the human condition to feel life’s pressures and pains and experience a loss of confidence at some stage in our lives. Personal coaching helps us to find clarity, put things in perspective and provides us with a road map to the future – howsoever that is defined.
Want to find out more?
Tel: 028 9445 4657
Email: info@tullynewbank-stables.com
Staff Development Sessions
Teams are often capable of delivering much better results than the individual members working on their own. But great team working just doesn’t happen – it has to be developed. Team Build Ireland is helping companies and communities across Northern Ireland to realise their inner potential and achieve great results.