Tullynewbank Stables
A haven for wellbeing
Tullynewbank Stables is a Northern Ireland centre for equine facilitated learning and development, situated just 14 miles from Belfast’s city centre, it is the perfect rural location to find peace and tranquillity. Tullynewbank Stables opened its doors in 1999 to provide a facility for everyone to enjoy and benefit from horses regardless of their background or ability.

A world in which people can live out their lives to the full
Our vision is a world in which everyone has the opportunity to explore and live out their individual life purpose. A world in which everyone, regardless of starting point, talent or ability, is able to maximise their potential and make their unique contribution. A world in which difference is celebrated and lives can be lived as they were meant to be – authentically and to the full.
We want to create a haven for wellbeing for children of all ages and abilities, adults, communities and corporations facilitated by our greatest asset – our horses.
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Meet Tullynewbank's horses
Equine Facilitated Learning
Horses are great teachers and at the centre of everything we do to achieve our primary goal of helping people flourish. Life isn’t easy and we all will experience setbacks at some stage. Our resilience, or ability to bounce back, means that most of the time we push through the challenge and achieve personal growth. Sometimes, however, we become stuck in patterns of thinking and behaviour that don’t support our natural development and growth.
In times like these the Tullynewbank Stables haven for well-being is there with programmes designed to help adults & children unfreeze by changing those very patterns of thought and action that are preventing them from leading happier, more fulfilled lives.
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